District 13 Ultimatum [Balieue13 Ultimatum]

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District 13 Ultimatum is a 2009 french sequel to 2004's District 13, which was and supposedly is currently considered a "cult" classic. Especially to those whom enjoy parkour. [Slightly different than Free Running] It has alot of action, decent acting, a decent script, and some awesome parkour scenes, with the stunts being real to top it all off.

It includes one of the actors from the movie "Kiss of The Dragon" with Jet Li. Cyril Raffaelli [The tall guys little brother whom died by landing on his neck upside down.] He is a prominent fight choreographer and has done so in The Transporter, Hitman, The Transporter 2 and to the upcoming Tekken movies.

The movie starts off with some decent action, ends with some decent action. For not being a blockbuster film with millions to invest, this movie was very well done, similar to The Transporter for us over here in the US. [Both being produced / invested in by film company EuropaCorp]

If you have some time to spend, want to watch a film you can actually sit down and relax to, this definitely will be one of those titles you can pick up and do so.

7.5 / 10 Based on its parkour elements and its action sequences. Very well done for not being a big budget movie.

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[REC 2]

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I have been waiting for this movie since it was announced shortly after [REC] was released. It is a spanish horror series, that was the basis for the shitty ass adaptation known as Quarantine. This movie delivers in every single aspect of the first movie, and then some more with its crazy ass twist in the story.

Definitely nicer cameras were used this time, nicer effects, better actors, crazier scenarios, an overall better script than the first one, alot more hectic. This movie has it all, drama, horror, a virus that infects whomever comes into contact with it, and most importantly of all, gore.

To anyone whom knows spanish and is a horror movie fan, WATCH THIS FILM! To all those that do not speak spanish, subtitles are available once the DVD is relased. Im sure you will enjoy it regardless of the fact of having to read. Action was intense, you really get into the situation as they take you through the building again.

Solid movie in my opinion, definitely see it / buy it.

8 / 10

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Shutter Island

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Now I am not one whom is for an entire movie being based on one situation in one place. But this movie made that non-issue due to the way the scenes were shot, and the script was written. This movie really did have it all except comedy, which wasnt a big issue with me as the comedy movies of late have for a lack of a better term, sucked balls.

The script was very well written, and the journey the director takes you [Martin Scorsese], is one that you truly will never forget. Never mind your ass being numb for the length of the movie, you will be confused enough to believe you belong in a mental hospital and start questioning those whom went to the movies with you.

Not many movies out there that left me actually thinking about the scenarios and how they could apply themselves to everyday life. This movie was one of those exceptionally well told movies, that if you truly pay attention, it consumes you and you feel as if your in the asylum watching someones documentary. It truly was creepy the way you became involved with the characters, the development of each and the explanations of them all.

The only character never fully described is the Warden of the asylum. [Yes this asylum was much like a prison, a Warden and a staff with weapons, and electrified fencing. Also only one way on or off the island.] Other than that you figure everyone out by the situations and their actions.

I say watch this movie if you like crime / mystery / thriller / drama, definitely check it out. Very solid movie.

9 / 10

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Where The Wild Things Are

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I was curious about this one. I read the book once when I was 4, and just thought the kid was crazy. lol Never bothered to pick it up again and give it a look, even when we sold the book at Target when I used to work there. Difference between the book and the movie, the movie's characters personalities are very defined, so much so it makes you feel like your being pulled in.

You see a kid whom tries to fit it, but fails, be a loner and always stay to himself. Which is definitely not out of the ordinary to this world, but what makes this kid different is that he runs away from home, gets on a boat, and ends up on an island with "Wild Things" inhabiting it. He develops a relationship with them, giving them a purpose and trying to bring them a smile in an upside down world of theirs.

I wont go too in detail for the movie as to not ruin it for those whom have not watched it, but I will say that this movie touches base on many things still prevalent to this day in our everyday lives. Joy, happiness, sadness, loneliness, depression, anger, rage, frustration and honesty all exist in the world the Wild Things live in. That is where this movie shines the most. Jim Henson's creature shop developed the body suits for the Wild Things for this movie and they did an incredible job in doing so.

The movie makes you feel crazy, it makes you confused, but once you understand it, it definitely makes for a childlike representation of what life was like or could still be like to those whom never grew up. And that was what I got from this movie, at the end he decided to grow up and face the way he had acted and the things he had done.

8 / 10

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Salt [Trailer]

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The Bounty Hunter [Trailer]

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The Expendables [Trailer]

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Halo Legends

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First and foremost I would like to say that I am not a fan of Halo in general. Never got into the story, never could play the game fully. Now onto the review...

I am an anime fan period. I love its stories, I love its animation, I love the music, I love the entertainment value it presents. Halo Legends tried to capitalize on all of these things by bringing in top anime studios to take a spin at whichever section they were paid to do.

Unfortunately, the first two episodes were 100% boring, with just one voice talking and some sub par animation to accompany it. On the episode "The Duel" the action picked up with a raptor looking guy's wife was killed in order for him to duel another clan leader to gain power. The animation was different, action was definitely there but the animation was that of an early saturday morning cartoon.

The animation started picking up, and the stories started becoming less vocal and more anime like, which is definitely a good thing, especially after the half hour or so of boredom. Problem being is that it was too late for me, even though it started clamoring for attention, I just couldnt give into it. I wanted to love it, as anime is a passion, but I was too bored and succumbed to falling asleep.

All in all, I will say once the animation picked up, it was worth the watch. The action was there, the stories were there as only the Japanese can do so and do so well.

6.5 / 10

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The Collector

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Well what can I say from a movie that was produced by those that brought you the Saw series.. After Saw 2, the movies were declining with shitty scripts, terribad acting, and over glorified death scenes.. This is no different, except that the death scenes were obvious, the story was stupid and left you wondering who, why, what and how the situations ended up panning out.

I definitely did not care about this movie at all, didnt want to watch it either but gave it a watch to review it.. I wouldnt recommend this movie to be watched, but then again fans of the Saw series would state otherwise and lie to themselves by saying this was a mind fuck of a movie and how awesome the kills were. Please. -_-

He always takes one, implies that the guy with the mask always takes one person from his killing spree and kills the ones he doesnt want. 2 + 2 = 4 and this movie definitely was summed up in the trailers.

Watching this movie was torture enough, reviewing it is like pouring salt on an open wound.

3.5 / 10

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Edge of Darkness

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Mel Gibson back? Yes he is.. This time with a vengeance and an awesome movie to boot. The movies story grips you right from the beginning, also keeps you entertained with the situations that he ends up going through and ends up digging up as well.

What would you do if your son / daughter was gunned down? With no apparent reason to you, no explanation, no clue...? Obviously you would want justice for the crime, but what justice would you be seeking? Would it be justice such as Kevin Bacon in Death Sentence? Or would it be justice such as Training Day where the bad guy was gunned down by other bad guys with you setting it up?

Many scenarios, many options, which would you choose? Mel Gibson did a hell of a job in this movie, his acting, the script, the directing, the editing all played a vital role in making this movie as good as it was. Honestly I did not expect much, but he delivered on all angles with this role making you feel for him and the situation with a passion unrivaled and not seen in some time.

Definitely give this movie a watch if your a fan of the Crime / Drama genre.

8.5 / 10

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From Paris With Love

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This one started out a little slower than I am accustomed to with movies of this genre. But once Travolta was introduced, all hell broke lose. Then came the ass whoopins, the fuck bombs, the awesome profanity that only Travolta could deliver and is known for especially from his role in Pulp Fiction. [Royale with Cheese]

Seeing Travolta kill someone, is awesome. But seeing him kill someone while cracking jokes and looking cool doing so, priceless. A true blue american prick, Travolta's character overshadows literally everyone in this movie.

What makes this movie all the better in my opinion, is when his partner starts to learn the true ways of a secret or be it special agent. He realizes what the situation entails, after it is revealed to him in a very difficult manner. One simple situation or so he believes, ends up turning upside down and into a fox hole of lies.

Solid action, good acting, slow start though, but I will not let that drag my review all the way to the can. The script was definitely based on Travolta's character, with him shining with his punchlines and quick comments, being in every action scene, and also running wild doing what he feels is justice and right.

7.5 / 10 [An 8 personally, 7.5 due to the slow start.]

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Justice League : Crisis On Two Earths

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What would you do if you found out that for every single choice you made, another planet Earth was created where that decision did not take place? What would you do if you had to face someone so similar to you, but in the same context, so vastly different?

These are the questions answered, and contested by those in this movie. The characters are well done, well developed and their stories are well told. You know everyone, even if you are young, you know DC characters. For being a DC movie I will admit, I expected worse. I did not expect to be able to sit through the whole movie and not want to turn it off.

But to my surprise, I actually enjoyed this. The animation was well done, the action was continuous, the story was well done, and the ending was just. Another well made animated movie and definitely one for the fans of the genre to enjoy. Buy it comic book whores! haha

8 / 10

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Percy Jackson and The Olympians

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Im sticking to my gut on this one. After watching the trailers, seeing the actors, checking out the synopsis.. I still did not want to watch this movie. Just seemed too childish. As usual, my thoughts / gut did not let me down as that is exactly how it panned out.

Even though it had high profile actors, even though it had a great amount of CG, I still did not feel the need to sit down and finish watching the movie. [Even though I did for review purposes.] The movie had way too much of a comedy feel to it, something younger kids and preteens would enjoy. Younger teenagers would get a kick out of simple punchline jokes, quick responses even in their darker of situations.

It just did not appeal to me, I love movies that have a basis of mythology to them, but this one took that basis and perverted it into pubescent boy / girls dream. To have powers, to not know how to use them, but then magically learn to save the day because of the company you kept.

5 .5 / 10 [ I was originally inclined to a 5, but the fact that Rosario Dawson played Hades wife, and defied him as if that would ever happen, was too hilarious to pass up. lol ]

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Dead Man Running

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Lets get down to the point in this one.. It could of been worse, but then again it also could of been a hell of alot better. 50 Cent plays Mr. Thigo, a thug in command that kills anyone whom opposes him, and has his fingers basically in everything that goes down in the town. Problem with this being, they only show him a total of maybe 5 times in the movie period. You want to get to know your bad guy, you didnt in this film.

The lead actor, Tamer Hassan is a pretty busy actor, even coming to be in the new film Clash of The Titans as the God of War. He played his role very well and was definitely suited to the character given to him.

A guy that had some shitty dealings in the past, trying to make a better future, but owes a boss some money.. Family becomes a hostage, man becomes desperate to make the cash by the means he knows how. This movie had its little laughs, minimal action, and some pretty well written conversations.

I cant say I enjoyed this movie completely, but I would be lying to say that it was definitely well done for being a lower budget title.

6.5 / 10

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The Wolfman

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As much as I despise remakes / sequels.. This remake of 1941's The Wolf Man, was very well done.. Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins and Hugo Weaving all made this movie something to enjoy. The acting was on point, even though Anthony Hopkins at times had some awkward moments in his script. As far as excitement / action / horror are concerned, this movie had a very fair share of all of the above.

It was not overdone, as to overshadow the stories behind the Wolfman himself, it was very well placed and also well balanced enough to keep your attention there. Something lacking with alot of movies as of late. If you do not like movies based in another time period, this is definitely not for you. Hugo Weaving's character was supposedly the police officer whom headed the Ripper case, as per say in the movie. So this is around 1889 - 1892.

A time of class, gypsies, serial killers, brothels, whores everywhere. Sounds like fun, but not to people whom love movies based on current events and current fashions.

All in all I enjoyed this movie. I would have enjoyed it more if I did not watch it with an older couple behind me talking for the remaining 40 minutes of the movie. -_-

8.5 / 10

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Here is a movie very different in approach and pace.. The movie is a dark comedy of a girl born with vagina dentada. [A puss with teeth..] It shows the struggle she has to go through in her sex life, which is non existent up until a point, and it also shows her coming out of her shell so to speak and accepting herself. Something she has never known, always been ashamed of and would just not do.

Now to the downside of the movies. Showing dicks and fingers getting "bitten" off by a puss with teeth might sound hilarious, but its downright brutal. The movie did have its highlights of comedy and those were definitely passable for a laugh or two, but once it got down to her again it just depressed you and tried to make you feel bad for her situation.. Its a puss with teeth people, how could you possibly feel bad for her when shes over here chopping dicks off for fun?

On a more serious perspective, the movie was not horrible, was surprisingly watchable, even with the overwhelming amount of ignorance placed by the script to certain actors. If you have nothing else to do, are curious about vagina dentada, and have a "tooth" for a dark comedy.. This movie is right up your alley.

5 / 10

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Twilight : New Moon

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To those whom do not know the movie this references, it is Brokeback Mountain. [Winner of 3 Oscars. Another 78 wins & 64 nominations. IMDB Referenced.]

Onto the review.. This movie was pretty damn bad. When you look at the shittiest sequels of the current generation of movies and how bad they have become, this one represents that genre to the fullest. Shitty acting, horrible wigs, a girl that cock teases the shit out of a werewolf that looks better than her pale ass vampire "love"..

You may think it gets no worse, o but it does my friends.. It 1up's itself by a slew of dragged out unnecessary scenes, insurmountable depression questioning why she doesnt just kill herself, [probably would have been the perfect ending] ridiculously emo moment of her staying in her house, in her room, for months on end.

Thats not all, not only does she come out of her room, she becomes an adrenaline junkie just to see that pale ass vampires face, thinking he is going to come and save her and instead of thanking the one that saved her life, treats him like second hand garbage and denies him any action once he approaches to be honest of his emotions. [Insert Bitch here. -_-]

Then come to find out, her "love" wants to expose himself to the humans in order to get killed because he supposedly thinks his "love" is dead. Whereas you are left scratching your head as to what the fuck he was thinking, because she was alive the whole time. . .

This movie was just as dumb as the first, just as horrible as the first, if not worse because its a sequel to that god awful movie.. Anyone that truly likes this movie and is over the age of 16, needs to join that dread locked vampire that was torn to pieces by the werewolves. Believe me, you will not be missed. -_-

3.5 / 10 [Just for the cinematography. I still love the cameras they used for this movie, and the shots were nice in the wilderness.]

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Star studded cast to say the least, Diane Lane, Mickey Rourke, Thomas Jane.. To have this many big name people, this movie could have been done a hell of alot better.. Rourke's character "BlackBird" was never fully developed, or at all for the most part. Leaving way too much for the viewer to decipher for themselves.

Thomas Jane was not as involved in the movie as I wanted him to be action wise, they just used him for simple things and one fight.

The storyline itself was rather thin, script needed some tuning, the kid from 500 Days of Summer was in this movie as well and annoyed the living shit out of you from beginning til the end. Even though I could sit through and watch this movie, I probably would never watch it again because of that kid. Not even Rosario Dawson whom is in this movie could get me to sit here and watch one of her worst performances.

5 / 10 [Could be worse. lol]

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Cirque Du Freak : The Vampires Assistant

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Lets be frank here, I did not want to see this movie period. The only reason why I ended up watching it was to make a brutally honest review.. Here it goes.

The movie was entertaining.. It has its freaks, everyone from bearded ladies, vampires, goblin looking creatures, two stomach having person, Orlando Jones with absolutely no waist line, and one man behind it all whom is scripting it as the puppets play along willingly and unwillingly.

The acting was not bad actually, the script itself was geared more towards comedy than anything else. Quick punchlines, a funny situation here and there and youve got yourself a recipe for a quick giggle. The main problem with this movie was the ending. The ending was as my brother classified it, a "cliffhanger". An ending that leaves you with more questions than answers, and no way of explaining them either.

There should be a few more of these movies in the works, as this is deemed a saga as stated by the movie poster above. That is why the ending would be a little more acceptable, but it is not.

Some quick information : The Saga of Darren Shan (known as Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan in the US) is a young adult 12 book series written by Darren Shan about the struggle of a boy who has become involved in the world of vampires. As of October 2008, the book is published in 37 countries around the world, in 30 different languages[1]. A movie based on the first three books in the series was released in theaters October 23, 2009. [Info Wikipedia]

7.5 / 10

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Blood and Bone

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As the movie trailer and its synopsis describe it as, this movie truly is a modern day samurai tale of honor, respect, loyalty and trust. A man makes a promise to a friend whom passed away, and will do everything in his power to make good on his end.

Michael Jai White is currently known to the world for his Spawn and Why Did I Get Married roles. But little does everyone know that he has Black belts in 7 styles of martial arts. He has 26 titles including U.S. Open, North American Open, and New England Grand Champion. [IMDB Info Sited]

So when it comes to kicking ass, this guy is the real deal as well. This movie has an incredible amount of action, loads of fighing, prison brawls and tough situations to make anyone sit down and want to see its outcome. This was a straight to DVD release, so dont expect expensive camera shots and crazy ass explosions, just expect a good to sit down and watch kick ass movie with some alright acting.

This movie can easily be enjoyed, and if your a fan of fighting movies, this definitely is one to put in the collection. I will be buying the Blu Ray asap.

8 / 10

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The Fourth Kind

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Now this was a movie that was creepy and downright well done. The movie centers in a small town named Gnome located in Alaska. Which if that alone isnt creepy enough, has the highest missing person's rate in the US. This movie had an incredible blend of footage / re-shot footage with Jovovich, as they pled her case as the Dr. in this true story. [ - The aliens. ]

The archived footage in this movie was insane, creepy , scary, and incredible to watch.. Disturbing as the movie itself puts it in the trailer and during the introduction of the movies characters and so on. Nothing is scripted, it really came from the footage and the actual case studies done by this Dr. over the course of the time.

Judging by the way this movie was shot, the script was well thought out to be as close to the real situations as possible and how they happened according to the Dr. and her case logs, this movie is definitely one to watch, with an open mind of course.

8 / 10

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Old Dogs

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Old Dogs was a similar feeling story, but told in a very different and positive way. Father has relationship with girl, girl leaves for her reasons, next thing you know 7 years later he has children from her but she never decided to tell him. Both Travolta and Williams are masters in their ways, and this film shows nothing short of this.

They are business partners in a firm together, whom are in the middle of the biggest deal in sports firm history. 47 Million $ over a 5 year period for one firm. The movie was well done, but the script itself lacked in certain areas, such as the children show up in his life after the 7 years, but no tests.. No proof is ever presented to support this claim.. Only, here are your kids, take care of them while im gone.

That in itself was a deal buster for me, who the hell wants kids to magically show up on their door step and be claimed as their own in such a hectic time? Obviously they wanted Williams character to feel this magicaly way, so he did not question it and set forth onto his duty... Which is bullshit by all means.

The movie was nice, good acting obviously, repeated story, but for the lack of explanation killed my overall judgement.

7 / 10

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The animation on this movie was incredible.. From producer Tim Burton, and the director of Wanted, the angles and the creatures used in this movie are very weird, awkward, dark, twisted.. But that is what makes it a Tim Burton production.

Storyline was creative as well, circling around the main character 9, he is the ninth of a series of characters created by one man, a scientist whom put a piece of his soul into each of them. It is a post apocalyptic tale of might, mishap, ignorance, and then hope for humanity in a place where humanity is non existent.

The ending was a little disappointing, but every other aspect more than made up for it.

8.5 / 10

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District 9

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Now this is a movie Peter Jackson can be proud of attaching his name to. The oscar winning director shows Neil Blomkamp what can fully be done with an incredible budget, all the while following the very well written script that Neil Blomkamp put forth in this epic tail of Humans vs Aliens or be it racism of Humans vs Aliens.

The acting was very well done as well, as the main character truly shined and you could really feel for what was happening to him and to those around him. The aliens themselves were very well done, even the aliens children and the incredible alien weaponry was awesome to see.

This movie has a very real feel to it and that is what made it a very good blend of acting / action / drama / little comedic moments. This movie truly does have it all. I have heard people complain about the lack of action, about the length of the film etc.. This film was to be based documentary style and capture something that "could" happen, not to be the next Die Hard mixed with The Lord Of The Rings.

Watch the movie, and enjoy the actual movie. . The conversations, the situations, the acting, the cinematography, the feeling of reality in the film.

Easily a 8.5 / 10

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Dantes Inferno [Animated Epic]

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Now this is something well worth watching. . . Based on the CLASSIC literary work, Dantes Inferno the animated epic showcases and brings to life the poem that created the basis of modern day hell in our minds. With 6 different directors, different art styles and different situations... This type of deal is very reminiscent and all too familiar with those whom have seen The Animatrix.

Animation is incredible, story was very well put together for the animated epic and also the voice talents themselves were very well played. Dante, going after his love Beatrice, only to have to endure the pain and tortures of the 9 circles of hell to get her back. . . He is a warrior for the church, but as every man, he has sin left upon his heart.. Can someone whom was pure become pure again? Or will he be devoured into the depths of hell and let his Beatrice suffer the same fate of eternal torture and damnation?

Watch and find out. 8.5 / 10

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The Stepfather

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In the beginning of this movie it gave away its entire premise.. Which really made no sense to me or to the person whom watched this with me. The movie just seemed too bland to be able to be enjoyed.. Same principal with movies whom have had fathers turn against their families,  it has come to often and none better done than Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

I didnt expect much of this movie, was more of a put it in to pass the time type deal. At least it served its purpose.

5 / 10

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The Spy Next Door

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Whats better than Jackie Chan? Jackie Chan without children. Even though this was not a bad movie, and it was enjoyable, the bottom line is that the flashes in the beginning of the movie truly were of some of Jackie Chan's best spy / cop movies. He did do some stunts in this one, but the movie's back drop and inclusion of Billy Ray Cyrus... YES. Miley Cyrus's father and singer of the one hit wonder, Dont Break My Heart, My Achy Breaky Heart, were just too much of a drag. -_-

This movie was an awkward change for Chan, even though I would love to see more movies like this.. He is not the person I expected to do so. [Maybe The Rock again? lol]

6.5 / 10

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The Tooth Fairy

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Obviously this movie is geared towards the younger generation, but that does not mean adults cannot get anything out of it. The story and way of the movie being was reminiscent of The Game Plan, also starring The Rock. The Rock plays a character whom has fallen short on life after seeing success, but has a solid relationship with his girlfriend and her daughter, but not her son whom does not wish to give him the time of day.

He then becomes a tooth fairy after denouncing their very existence, and that is when all hell breaks loose. He denounces dreams, thus they dub him "dream killer", but as with these types of movies there is a story and a moral to them.

The acting was not bad at all, Ashley Judd did a very good job, as did the children in the movie. The script could of used some tuning in some areas, but as with The Game Plan was enjoyable and a good mix.

8 / 10 Based solely on the fact that this type of story seems to suit the rock, only downfall to it is that in both The Game Plan and The Tooth Fairy, he plays a pompous asshole that gets or has gotten put into his place by reality. I would say give it a watch, especially for teens or pre teens.

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From the trailer I expected ALOT from this movie, which reminds me of that movie Armored. I expected alot, but did not receive as much as I expected. Unlike The Book Of Eli, this movie is 100% based on religion, good vs good and good vs evil. The action was nicely done, the acting was not bad at all, but the script.. Wow..

I do not know who put this script together, but it was not well thought out period. One place in the whole movie is the center of its locale, no explanation of why everything is happening [Even though assumptions can be made.] and you are left questioning many parts of the movie.

6 / 10 Alot more could have been done...

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The Lovely Bones

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Let me first be honest and say I DID NOT want to watch this movie at all. It did not appeal to me whatsoever, and it was just another story about a missing girl whose father goes crazy. Will I say I was wrong? Absolutely not. The movie was confusing to say the least, even though the basic premise was easily understood, the situations and the way they went about it was downright insane.

You would have to be crazy to understand everything that was going on in this movie, especially when they were showcasing it through the girls perspective. Coming from Peter Jackson, I expected ALOT more, in terms of storyline and something new. This is new, but too far from his comfort zone to be given praise for.

Acting was not bad at all, script could of used some touch ups.. As someone whom has raised 4 kids without having any of my own, this movie was downright disturbing. Lets just say it confirmed the reasons as to why I am how I am with questionable situations.

7 / 10 Ill leave this one for you to decide, I give it a little higher than usual because of its innovative take on this old story.

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Planet Hulk

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After Disney's acquisition of Marvel, I truly did expect a slew of DVD releases and this is the first under the tag I would imagine. The animation was refreshing, coming from those of the Marvel camp, this was definitely well done and expected as the last Hulk VS movies and the Captain America movie were all improvements onto themselves.

A little bit of a different take on the Hulk, this movie taking from the series Planet Hulk Information. So it is more recent than anything else but keeps in terms of the comic and did a hell of a job with the action and the script. To those whom are fans, this will not disappoint. To those who are not, its a comic book movie... Watch something that appeals to you.

8 / 10

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The Book Of Eli

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A classic story in the like of its predecessors such as Mad Max and Road Warrior among many other post apocalyptic tales. The major difference here, this one character is one you can fully relate to while he travels and in his confrontations.

There is no question that the main focus on this movie is religion, and even as turbulent as that may seem, this movie did not overpower that fact, it did not force it upon you, all it did was put the idea there and showcased what true faith can garner while maintaining to it wholeheartedly.

I am not religious, nor do I see the views of those that are at all logical. But I will sit here and say that this movie was very well done, the acting was superb and the story was well thought out. A good script that makes you think what if and also might make those religious think twice and those non-religious think once.

9 / 10. [ I am not bashing religion, so lets not misinterpret my words. Take the review for what it is, my personal perspective. ] Watch this movie, and PAY ATTENTION.

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The Fantastic Mr. Fox

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

This movie was good for many reasons. Different animation, incredible voice talents such as George Clooney, Owen Wilson, Bill "Fuckin" Murray, and Willem Dafoe all did very well with the animals they portrayed. A good comedy balanced with a good lesson is always a good recipe with the right people. This movie pulled it off and kept you interested and entertained.

8.5 / 10

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Its Complicated

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

I actually enjoyed this movie. Meryl Streep, one of the infamous Baldwin brothers, Steve Martin, among others all made this movie enjoyable and often times hilarious with the situations discussed and encountered. A very real situation in many peoples lives today, turned into a comedy / drama that covers all of its triumphs and downfalls.

8 / 10

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American Pie : Book Of Love

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

I for one am a very big National Lampoon fan, was excited to know that the american pie series was taking this same direction. Unfortunately after failed movie after failed movie, it has turn into another movie series just utilizing the names of the popular characters and same story lines and dragging them through the shit.

This movie made no sense, was beyond stupid, was based supposedly for high school kids, but yet involves every single aspect of an adult passed college or be it in their college years.

2 / 10

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Smokin Aces 2 : Assassins Ball

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Smokin Aces 2 : Now I know why it went straight to DVD. Movie sucked more balls than Houston at the Houston 500. -_- Incredibly stupid plot, shitty acting and some pretty depressing action scenes.

3 / 10 [If that]

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A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Movie was very reminiscent of Gattaca. Also starring Ethan Hawke. Very futuristic, very involved with its story, solid action, developed characters, good scripting and some good ass acting. Science was a very interesting concept in this movie, and the ending did not stray away from this either.

8.5 / 10

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Hilarious view on Twilight..

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:


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A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:
More reviews will be up once I am out of work. [Around 12 AM or so]

Feel free to leave some comments on the reviews that strike a chord, or if you want to bash me for my opinion.. lol ;D

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Jennifers Body

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Shitty ass movie. . . I cannot even begin to describe the utter stupidity that this movie carried throughout its time.. O wait I can.. Spits black stuff out her mouth randomly without ever having an explanation for it, half assed lesbian scene with her nerdy best friend, a very stupid story that only gets understood to the emo children of this generation.. I could go on and on just like I can for Twilight, but I will hold myself in contempt of court and just rate this god forsaken thing.

3 / 10

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Sherlock Holmes

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

To fans of the books, this is a book on screen. The dialogue is reminiscent to that of the books themselves, and Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law do very well together as Watson and Holmes. Their companionship for the most part is comical, while at the same time you can easily see the immense bond shared between them as best friends.

The action is the movie is not continuous, but when it comes into play you get sucked in. Not by incredible, outrageous, gut wrenching action, but by the simple things. Holmes speaking to himself before he does something, shows the slow motion slide he sees it in, then it being put into play. Or seeing Watson take down multiple people, while also getting his ass kicked. Priceless.

Overall, the movie left me wanting to see another Holmes flick. Probably because I have always been a fan of the attention to detail portrayed by the character of Sherlock Holmes, or because of the fact hes just so god damn knowledgeable that it makes me want to learn some of it myself.

7.5 / 10

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A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

LONG Movie. . . Even though the visuals were incredible, [Ranked second only to Avatar currently.] the movies plot was weak, the script was ridiculous and the acting went from alright and bearable to damn well horrible. Also some scenes in this movie were downright ridiculous, such as John Cusack's character being underwater for damn near half an hour [ exaggeration ] and survives . . I rated it a 7 / 10, based mostly on the visuals.

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Law Abiding Citizen

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Was an incredible movie with solid acting as well. The action starts from the beginning, and continues at a steady pace throughout the movie. It was a very unexpected delight to watch other people die in the name of supposedly true justice, being delivered by gerard butler whose wife and child were killed in the movie. Definitely one to watch, very well done by jamie foxx as well. 8 / 10

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Ninja Assassin

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

I wanted this movie to be incredible, I truly did.. But it was not. Although the action was definitely awesome, often times the action scenes dragged on so long that they made no sense. On top of which, the movie was way too dark and that made seeing the incredible kills in the movie very difficult and hard to follow. Entertaining nonetheless, but a little too dragged out. 6 / 10

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The Princess and the Frog

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Was a very good movie from Disney showcasing that they still have it when it comes to hand drawn animation. This being the companies first hand drawn movie since 04's home on the range. Was very entertaining and the music was awesome. Definitely one to see with the kids or a loved one. 9.0 / 10

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A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Avatar = Incredible movie with insane visuals, some solid acting and some incredible music. The visuals are what get you to continue watching it though, and boy does it pull through. Saw mine in 3D, and the movie was very subtle with its elements, but was very nice when you saw stuff come out of the screen and feel so close. [Movie was LONG. What else do you expect from the director of the Titanic? LoL] 9.5 / 10

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The Boondock Saints II : All Saints Day

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Just saw The Boondock Saints II : All Saints Day.

Was very entertaining, of course I have a little bit of bias, I loved the original cult classic and thought it was definitely incredibly made. The second one was not a let down in the least bit, and offered the same comedic elements as the first, although more comedy is in this one than the other. It does not take away from the actual story and makes the movie that much better.

Definitely a solid 8.5 out of 10, if not a 9 from me.

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Just a quick compilation of reviews..

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:
More detailed reviews will be done, but this is just a quick sum up until I have the time to sit down and get into them.

Zombieland = Awesome, Woody Harrelson did his thing in this movie. 8.5 / 10

Paranormal Activity = Overhyped piece of trash. If you had any true sense of fear in this movie, you are not a horror movie person period. 2 / 10

Up = Awesome. <3 that old man.. lol 8.5 / 10

AntiChrist = Insane.. I dont mean good insane, I mean this movie is utterly crazy. 18+ movie by the way, and even then its still a bit graphic. 4 / 10

The Goods Live Hard Sell Hard = Had its funny moments, wont be buying it. 4 / 10

Astro Boy = Wasnt that bad actually.. Of course it wasnt as reminiscent of the anime, but it still held close to his initial story and his coming to. 7.5 / 10

Four Christmas's = I thought the premise to this movie was hilarious, watched it and it definitely had its humorous parts, but overall was just another love story. 7 / 10

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past = Gotta admit, I loved this movie. 7.5 / 10

The Proposal = Bullock + Reynolds = Hilarious. 8 / 10

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Welcome.. 2 My Hell.. lol

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:
I say welcome to my hell just because of the state of movies today.. The sheer stupidity and ignorance on these movies are beyond belief, and they put the viewer through more trauma then a woman giving birth. [Well yes, exaggerated, but if you watched Jennifer's Body... You felt the pain.]

These are my rules for reviews.

1. Rate fairly without prejudice.
2. Rating system is scored from 1-10.
3. No, the blog name is not related to cows. I mixed movies and reviews and got mooviewz. lol
4. These are my opinions, unbiased, unrestricted and most importantly, uncensored.
5. I do not take other peoples opinions on the movies into account. I watch the movie and judge on my own.

I have a pretty solid reputation with those who know me, and a specific forum I have put reviews at. I am not a sure shot, and no I am not exact to the science of the movie. But I will lay it out there and let you as the reader be the judge of this experiment.

Thank you for visiting, and welcome to my Hell.

- A r u

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