Sherlock Holmes

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

To fans of the books, this is a book on screen. The dialogue is reminiscent to that of the books themselves, and Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law do very well together as Watson and Holmes. Their companionship for the most part is comical, while at the same time you can easily see the immense bond shared between them as best friends.

The action is the movie is not continuous, but when it comes into play you get sucked in. Not by incredible, outrageous, gut wrenching action, but by the simple things. Holmes speaking to himself before he does something, shows the slow motion slide he sees it in, then it being put into play. Or seeing Watson take down multiple people, while also getting his ass kicked. Priceless.

Overall, the movie left me wanting to see another Holmes flick. Probably because I have always been a fan of the attention to detail portrayed by the character of Sherlock Holmes, or because of the fact hes just so god damn knowledgeable that it makes me want to learn some of it myself.

7.5 / 10

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