District 9

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Now this is a movie Peter Jackson can be proud of attaching his name to. The oscar winning director shows Neil Blomkamp what can fully be done with an incredible budget, all the while following the very well written script that Neil Blomkamp put forth in this epic tail of Humans vs Aliens or be it racism of Humans vs Aliens.

The acting was very well done as well, as the main character truly shined and you could really feel for what was happening to him and to those around him. The aliens themselves were very well done, even the aliens children and the incredible alien weaponry was awesome to see.

This movie has a very real feel to it and that is what made it a very good blend of acting / action / drama / little comedic moments. This movie truly does have it all. I have heard people complain about the lack of action, about the length of the film etc.. This film was to be based documentary style and capture something that "could" happen, not to be the next Die Hard mixed with The Lord Of The Rings.

Watch the movie, and enjoy the actual movie. . The conversations, the situations, the acting, the cinematography, the feeling of reality in the film.

Easily a 8.5 / 10

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