Cop Out

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Tracy Morgan in his big break? Bruce Willis having a partner whom is comedic? O yes, this is an epic moment. lol This shit was funny, and the acting was hilarious / entertaining enough to pass by.

Sean William Scott played a thief / parkour addict that made him as hilarious as usual. The element that sort of threw me off was the mexican gang members. Their acting just was not up there at all and you had the brother of one of the heads of the gang being a puerto rican that spoke shitty spanish.

It just did not make sense, especially being spanish my damn self I felt like that kid personally extended his hand and slapped the shit out of me. lol Yes I am taking it a little far, but thats how shitty his spanish was, and for him to speak that only, is what was aggravating.

Other than that, the movie was enjoyable and you could easily spend the time in the movie theatre laughing your ass off with your friends if you went in a group.

8 / 10

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Did You Hear About The Morgans?

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

I did not expect many laughs coming from this movie, but I just had to watch it after seeing the trailer of Hugh Grant with the bear in the outdoors and Sarah Jessica Parker still arguing with him. It just seemed so realistic and down to earth I had to give it a shot.

I was not disappointed, delivery from both of them was very well done, you could easily believe they were actually married and went through some real troubles, and their assistants you could also tell were falling for each other even though they were constantly competing with each other as well.

The couple that they end up staying with in Ray , Wyoming, was actually outstanding as well. Even though they do not speak about the problems much, when they do explain some things you could also be easily convinced they really were a married couple that had endured some trouble as well.

This is a very nicely done romantic comedy with very real situations, and can easily be watched with the person you care for and see what it truly takes to be happy with a relationship.

8 / 10

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A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

Finally finished watching this movie after starting to watch it around 5 times and stopping. Onto the review. . . This movie was overall alright. I cannot say that the acting had me gripped, because it did not, I also cannot say that the script was all that, because it was not.. I also will not say that the fighting had me, because it was at times, for lack of a better word or be it the perfect word, corny.

The backdrop to the story was actually enticing, but the delivery was not there and actually had me wondering why they kept running around making the same mistakes.

I will admit, I sat through the entire movie to see what the outcome of the story was, as I said it was enticing and I do love me a good story. Unfortunately, I have to be honest and say this movie although watchable, is just something to pass the time with.

6 / 10 Not the worst movie I have seen, but due to the story behind it I expected alot more.

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Repo Man - The Genetic Opera

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

This movie was produced by the same producers whom brought you the Saw series. I am not a big fan of Saw as a series, but I will admit that I did like the first movie. This movie was gory, and definitely is an opera.. But it is an opera in a very loose sense, seeing as there are rock elements, and a bunch of other styles of music and also singing.

The story behind this movie as well is very well done. The acting itself was one that I actually found entertaining as it was  not a bore to watch and actually kept me in my seat. The scripting was well done, the acting was also well done, and the singing was actually enjoyable and didnt make me want to rip my ears off with rusty pliers.

8 / 10 Give it a watch, I will definitely watch this one again.

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