Survival of The Dead

A r u c a r D . [ R ] . Filed Under:

I truly do not know what to say to this movie.. George A. Romero is a master if not THE master of zombie horror, but in this movie it just was not there. Shitty CGI, a terribad script, some alright acting, but their lines were just too bad.

Granted that the movie did have some shining moments, such as a supposed military woman whom is a  lesbian masturbating while sitting in her jeep awaiting action. The ending was not so bad either, it showed what fear can do in such a situation without thinking something through.

But lets get back to the movie as a whole, the zombies did not look bad at all, as expected of a Romero movie, the problem came in when computer animation needed to be used. Such as the infamous part where a group of rednecks decided to chop off the heads of the zombies and put them on stakes. Although awesome in its intent, horrible animation rendering made this shot completely shitty.

Unfortunately I did not enjoy this movie as much as I wanted to, even though it comes from a legend, the movie itself is not worth a legends grace, let alone stamping his name on such a product.

4 / 10

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